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Appointments last around 45 minutes and cost £50 per appointment. There are numerous treatment options available and exactly which options are used in each appointment will be chosen based on the issues you have come for treatment for, your individual circumstances, and your personal preference.


It may be that we focus more on one treatment type, but often it is beneficial to integrate more than one form of treatment in to one appointment, to ensure you get the treatment that is the best fit for you and your issue. The cost of the treatment remains the same regardless of which or how many treatment options are used.


Options Available:

- TCM Acupuncture

- Dry Needling Acupuncture

- Matsumoto Style Acupuncture

- Electro Acupuncture

- Auricular Acupucture

- Remedial Massage

- Sports Massage

- Deep Tissue Massage

- Neuromuscular Technique

- Massage Gun

- Therapeutic Massage

- Heat Lamp

- Cupping Therapy

- Gua Sha

- Postural Assessment

- Passive Stretching

- Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation




People use acupuncture for many different purposes, and research into the field is creating a growing evidence base in favour of acupuncture for many conditions. Some people come for treatment of a specific issue or symptom, whereas others come to improve general wellbeing.

Chinese tradition states that acupuncture addresses imbalances within the body by stimulating specific points on channels of energy called meridians. If you find this difficult to get your head around, you might be interested to know that ongoing research is collecting evidence on how acupuncture affects stress hormones, pain relieving hormones, female sex hormones and hypothalamus function (1, 2, 3). Furthermore, neuro-imaging technology has enabled us to see that areas of the brain are activated when acupuncture points are used, and these areas differ depending on the point used (4). In general, research into acupuncture has provided evidence for benefits for lower back pain, neck pain, migraine, knee pain, depression and anxiety. These advances have meant acupuncture has become more accepted in recent years with 83% of GPs thinking that acupuncture can be clinically useful, and 72% seeing that it can be cost effective (5)


(1) Bo-Ying Chen M.D. Acupuncture Normalizes Dysfunction of Hypothalamic-Pituitary- Ovarian Axis

(2) Ji-Sheng Han. Acupuncture and endorphins

(3) Liao YY, Seto K, Saito H, Fujita M, Kawakami M. Effects of acupuncture on adrenocortical hormone production. (II) Effect of acupuncture on the response of adrenocortical hormone production to stress.

(4) Dhond RP, Kettner N, Napadow V. Neuroimaging acupuncture effects in the human brain.

(5) Lipman L, Dale J, MacPherson H. Attitudes of GPs towards the provision of acupuncture on the NHS.




Remedial Sports Massage is used for both muscular and skeletal problems as well as benefiting the circulatory and respiratory systems. It also aids the body’s healing and repair processes, restoring structural balance and preventing a recurrence of the problem. People commonly use Remedial Sports Massage for issues such as lower back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, upper back pain and other painful issues. However there are other general and preventative benefits from having regular massage.


Not only can Remedial Sports Massage help to heal an injury, but it is also extremely useful in preventing the injury from occurring in the first place. This is done by using specialised massage techniques to manipulate the soft tissues of the body.



Remedial Sports Massage can help with an enormous range of complaints and conditions, helping to prevent intrusive surgery and long term medication. Also, in a general sense, the processes of massage are seen to relieve stress and tension and so contribute towards a better quality of life. Reducing stress and tension can also promote a better quality of sleep. Good sleep is important to the healing process.


A typical treatment will consist of a consultation and examination from which I can determine the origin and extent of your injury or problem. From there, the massage session usually takes around 30 minutes depending on the nature of the problem and you as an individual. This will usually be followed by a series or movements or manipulations to help stretch your muscles and return them to full health. We may also discuss simple changes you could make to improve your diet, sleep and posture, as well as activities to try help you get better, and prevent any further problems in the future.


There are many many things that Remedial and Sports massage can treat and each person will likely have a different recovery time. When you first come in for treatment we will discuss the likely time span of your treatment plan and continually re-evaluate as the treatment progresses.


Importantly, your recovery time can be reduced by following simple lifesyle advice and by us working together to provide your body with the best environment for recovery outside of the treatment room. This is an extremely important part of the process as the treatment it self provides the basis for recovery, however the recovery itself will occur between appointments.




Increases blood flow to the injured area:

This allows a faster transportation of nutrients and cells needed in the healing process to the site of the injury.


Increased lymphatic flow:

The lymphatic system carries waste and debris away from the site of an injury. It is also responsible for swelling which puts pressure on nerve endings, causing pain. The more quickly the lymphatics can flow and drain away, the more quickly the swelling and pain will reduce.


Reduced stress:

Stress and tension hinder the healing process and disrupts sleep at night, the time your body works best at recovering from injury.


Reduced tension:

Quite simply, the more tense and tight a muscle is, the less blood is able to flow in and out of it. Blood contains all the oxygen and nutrients your muscles need to operate healthily. A restriction in the blood flow both causes and results in aches and pains and creates susceptibility to injury.


Breaks down scar tissue and fibrous adhesions:

When an past injury heals of its own accord, fibrous tissue can develop at the site of the original problem. Using specialised remedial techniques, this fibrous tissue can be broken down allowing joints and muscles to move more freely and therefore increasing mobility. It will also reduce any pain created by restriction of or friction on the tissues around these joints or muscles.



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